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Factory Newdbhellas

Address: Dentro Agriniou,

Post Code: 30100

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Fax:26410 54262

E-mail: info@newdbhellas.gr

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Krabokoukis Ltd - Prefabricated Houses

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The Ecological Building System Αρχική - NewdbHellas


Newdb Hellas Αρχική - NewdbHellas Αρχική - NewdbHellas
Σπίτι προκάτ Κραμποκούκης
Σύμμεικτες Κατασκευές Μεζονέτες Επαύλεις


We design your new home as you have imagined it.


We create your double-storey house of a lifetime with the style of your choice.


We also produce high-quality composite houses.

Bioclimatic houses

Newdb consists of a combination of modern and reliable materials, which have successfully passed the relevant inspections and tests (TEST V313) and fully comply with European Fire Legislation (EN13501-4) regarding how the materials react to fire, hygiene issues (EN120), quality and thermal conductivity (EN 13164), while also having all the necessary certificates (ISO Certificate) that prove their suitability for use in Newdb technology. Following evaluations, our company as well as cooperating companies which manufacture raw materials are holders of a great number of certificates which are available to our customers for viewing.

Certification of Quality

Houses with the latest Construction Technology

Ενεργειακά σπίτια

Low-energy houses, with guaranteed quality and outstanding aesthetics. Fully earthquake proof, with excellent soundproof, waterproof and thermal insulation properties that fully cover and even exceed the KENAK (Building Efficiency Regulation)

Οικολογικό Σύστημα Ξηράς Δόμησης New Discovery Bricks Κατασκευή μιας βιοκλιματικής μεζονέτας

View the construction of a 100 square-meter bioclimatic maisonette step by step. The complete construction of the house from the start of the works till the total completion of the project does not exceed 60 days.

The new Ecological Building System is an innovative system that has been successfully undergone all tests that make it suitable for a green house

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Presentation of New Discovery Bricks (Newdb) technology

Newdb Presentation Πιστοποίηση ISO9001 προκατ σπίτια Κραμποκούκης Πιστοποίηση Dow Hellas προκατ σπίτια Κραμποκούκης Πιστοποίηση Fraunhofer προκατ σπίτια Κραμποκούκης Πιστοποίηση Dow Hellas προκατ σπίτια Κραμποκούκης Πιστοποίηση TUV προκατ σπίτια Κραμποκούκης Πιστοποίηση German προκατ σπίτια Κραμποκούκης

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In this video you will see what Newdb is all about, what it consists of and the technical characteristics of the raw materials.

A full presentation of the innovative material from its production in the factory to the creation of an eco-friendly home.

Newdb Presentation Πιστοποίηση Dow Hellas προκατ σπίτια Κραμποκούκης